Petrostrat and Biostratigraphic Associates (Trinidad) Ltd. have formed a strategic partnership (Biostrat JV Ltd) to service the Caribbean region.
Petrostrat and Biostratigraphic Associates (Trinidad) Ltd. have formed a strategic partnership (Biostrat JV Ltd) to service the Caribbean region. Biostrat have a fully equipped laboratory in Caroni, Trinidad. This partnership offers regional expertise and unrivalled quality.
Comprehensive services available:
- Micropalaeontology
- Nannopalaeontology
- Palynology
- Fully integrated interpretation
- Wellsite biostratigraphy
- Post-well biostratigraphy
- Hot-shot analysis
- Stratigraphy reviews
- Lithostratigraphy & sequence stratigraphy
- Palaeoenvironmental modelling
- Environmental impact assessments & meiofaunal baseline surveys
- Non-proprietary studies