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What is Nannopalaeontology?

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PetroStrat Nannopalaeontology Fossil False Colour Helicosphaera
  • Study of minute calcareous fossils.
  • Wide stratigraphic distribution from Recent to Late Triassic
  • Reliable zonal markers proving accurate age interpretation globally and locally
  • Global open marine fossils, in the upper 200m of the water column (Photic Zone)
  • High-resolution global and local zonation schemes
  • Fast results, 45-mins/1h from sample collection
  • Only few grams of sample required – perfect for SWCs and core chips analyses
  • Space-saving processing, perfect for wellsite deployments

Why choose nannopalaeontology?

  • Fast results: Quick and easy samples processing for routine and wellsite projects.
  • Shorter results turnaround, compared to micro and paly.
  • Cost-effective and convenient, only a few grams of sediment sample is required for a nanno slide – perfect for SWCs and Core Chips analysis (or very limited sample quantity (<30g)).
  • Fast results, from sample to interpretated analysis in 45-minutes/1h. This speed is a powerful asset at wellsite, providing data to underpin real-time drilling decisions.
  • No dedicated laboratory unit required – if space is limited, samples can be processed and analysed within the accommodation block.
  • Widley applicable, fossils have a broad stratigraphic distribution from Recent to Late Triassic.
  • Found in marine settings at various latitudes. They share the same environment of planktonic foraminifera.
  • Present in a wide range of sediments such as calcareous muds, clays, silts and chalk.
  • Applicable to different real time drilling scenarios from fast paced horizontal sections (bio-steering), to picking casing points and assisting with TD, monitoring HPHT wells and high-resolution data acquisition during exploration wells.
  •  Reliable and versatile with their rapid evolutionary rates and widespread global distribution Nannofossil Zonal Markers are a powerful tool providing high-resolution chronostratigraphic breakdowns at global and regional scale.
  • High-resolution global and local zonation schemes (North Sea UK, Norway, Denmark, US GoM, Canada, Suriname/Guyana, West Africa incl. Senegal and Namibia) (calibrated to GTS2020).
  • Fully calibrated composite local schemes integrated with Micro and Paly (calibrated to GTS2020).
  • Highly qualified team of nannopalaeontolgists. Our expert staff have extensive experience in analysing and interpreting nannofossil assemblages, across their entire evolutionary history, and across diverse geographic regions

Introduction to Nannopalaeontology

Nannopalaeontology is the study of minute calcareous fossils, extracted from fine grained rocks such as muds, clays, silts and of course chalk. Calcareous Nannofossils – the smallest category of fossils – include coccoliths and nannoliths (the plate-like remains of unicellular algae) as well as calcispheres (calcareous dinoflagellates) and small sponge spicules.

The individual fossils typically range from 2 to about 25µm. Their small size adds to their utility. Mechanical damage during drilling is unlikely, leading to good preservation and vast number of nannofossils can be found even in the smallest sample, making biostratigraphic analysis possible when material is in very short supply.

Braarudosphaera bigelowii

Coccolithophores (coccoliths)

By far the most dominant nannofossil group, are the remains of unicellular haptophyte algae (phytoplankton or nannoplankton) known as coccoliths. These are generally disc-like in form and would have comprised the exoskeleton of an individual coccolithophorid.


There are also a large group of various-shaped nannofossils known as nannoliths; their biological affinity is not clear based on the lack of modern analogues. The nannolith group includes the ‘discoasters’ (genus Discoaster), a very important group, used extensively in biostratigraphy, especially in the Neogene Period (~2.5 to 23Ma).

Late Triassic to Holocene Biostratigraphic Tool

Calcareous nannofossils can be found extensively across all marine environments, from coast to open ocean. The earliest known calcareous nannofossils are of Late Triassic age and range through the geological record to present day seas, making them indispensable as a biostratigraphic tool.

Their rapid rate of evolutionary change and widespread global distribution allows a high-resolution biostratigraphic breakdown, which can define intervals as small as 0.1Ma in the Pleistocene, allowing development of robust global nannofossil zonation schemes.

PetroStrat Nannopalaeontology Tiny Fossils 5um

Cost-effective Wellsite Biostratigraphy

The application of nannopalaeontology at wellsite has, time and time again, proven itself efficient, especially in fast paced horizontal sections, like Danian reservoirs. Sample preparation is fast and simple not requiring much space or chemicals beyond soap and glue. Whether used to biosteer horizontal wells in complex geology, locating and defining faults, picking casing points and TD depths or monitoring well sections to provide comprehensive age data for immediate use, nannofossils are the key.

Palaeoenvironments and Palaeobathymetry

Nannofossils also have palaeoceanographic, palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological applications; being used to help determine temperature and current patterns in prehistoric oceans.

Brazil Aerial Coastline

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