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What is Biostratigraphy?

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Several planctonic foraminifera

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Our Biostratigraphy Methodology

  • Quantitative analyses utilising well documented counting techniques (repeatable).
  • Rigorous taxonomic principles applied.
  • Distribution data are delivered in StrataBugs™ format.
  • Zonations schemes – a combination of published, global, local and in-house zonations are utilised (and where possible tied to the Gradstein et al. schemes (2004, 2008, 2012). The in-house scheme is readily related to the sequence chronostratigraphic frameworks of Haq et al. (1987), Berggren et al. (1995) or Hardenbol et al. (1998).
  • Palaeoenvironmental interpretations using a number of statistical methods and integration of micropalaeontology and palynology.
  • Calibration to absolute ages where possible (TSCreator ™).
  • Correlations and interpretations are available in ODM™ format, allowing integration with corporate databases such as OpenWorks™.
  • Hard copy and digital (Acrobat pdf) report formats supplied as standard.
  • More accurate age determination by allowing first order correlation to first order stages.
  • Identification of breaks in sedimentation/unconformities and calibration to the sequence stratigraphy.
  • Basinwide stratigraphic correlation.
  • Review and re-evaluation of vintage biostratigraphic data.
  • Resolution of the relationship between lithostratigraphic units.
  • A firm basis for dating seismic surfaces essential for regional correlation.
Brazil Aerial Coastline

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